Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Book Reflection for Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming

Fleming, D. (1995). Time to Sleep. New York. Henry Holt and Company.

Bear, the main character in the book, realizes winter is approaching and it is time for a long nap, but first she wants to tell her friend, Snail so he can prepare too. Well, Snail wants to tell one of his friends, and the chain deeps growing until it reaches Ladybug, who wants to tell Bear. However, by this time, Bear is already asleep. Ladybug realizes this when Bear can barely open one eye to talk, so they both go to sleep for the winter.

Literary Terms:
The texture of the illustrations in the book is spongy and somewhat jagged. For example, the pictures of the animals and the surrounding habitats look almost as if the illustrator has painted them with a sponge. The illustrator also uses no fine lines to draw the illustrations. For example, on the rear inside cover of the dust jacket, which is the paper cover around the book, it states that the author/illustrator, Denise Fleming uses colored cotton pulp that was poured through hand-cut stencils to create the pictures.

Common Core Standard for Writing: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

Curriculum Activity including Big Question: How does the way I sleep and eat compare and contrast to animals that hibernate. Students will research the topic of hibernation in two different species of animals and will compare and contrast those animals’ hibernation habits with their or human sleep and eating patterns.

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